Is it normal to need to pee after masturbating? | Xtra MagazineIs it peeing after the really necessary sex? And 9 other FAQs It is not necessary, per se, but it is useful. Peeing after sex can help prevent. Infections occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract, usually through your urethra, and travel to your bladder. If you have a vagina, your urethra—the opening where the urine is released—is close to your vaginal opening. If you have a penis, your urethra releases both urine and semen, although not at the same time. Peeing after sex can help remove bacteria that was introduced during intercourse away from your urethra. Although it is not an infallible way to prevent sex-related sexual infections, it is a fairly easy way to test. Peeing after sex is not a bad idea, but some people may be more likely to benefit from risk reduction UTI. If you have a vagina and you are, you can benefit more from urinating after sex. The path of the urethra to the bladder is short, so bacteria do not have to travel far to cause an IU. If you have a vagina but are not prone to the UTIs, urinating after sex may not be so important — but it would not hurt. Peeing after sex is the least beneficial for individuals. That's because the urethra is much longer. Bacteria have to travel farther to cause a UTI. Then you're in the clear. You or your partner can play anywhere else in the vulva without having to worry about increasing your risk for the UTIs. However, there is an exception, if your partner does oral sex or cunnilingus, which focuses on oral contact with clitoris (which is very close to the urethral opening), the bacteria can be pushed from the mouth and tongue to the urethra. Ideally, you should urinate within 30 minutes of having sex to reap the benefits of UTI prevention. The sooner, the better. Peeing will not prevent pregnancy, even if you go seconds after the ejaculate is released. During the vaginal intercourse, the ejaculate is released into the vaginal canal. The urine is released from the urethra. They are two completely separate openings. In other words, the urine release from your urethra is not going to get anything out of your vagina. If the semen has entered the vagina, there is no turning back. Sperm already travels up to try to fertilize an egg. When you are trying to become pregnant, some medical experts may suggest waiting a few minutes before getting up after sex. This is thought to help facilitate the path of any last minute swimmer to the uterus. However, most effective swimmers are already working, with or without you lying flat. You will not harm your conception possibilities if you go and urinate immediately afterwards. If you really want to give him a moment, consider waiting five minutes or so, then get up and pee. The short answer? We don't know for sure, but it certainly can't hurt. There are not many studies that investigate the potential relationship between the intercourse, the UTIs and then urinating as a method of prevention. There are so many other factors that play a role in the development of UTI, including and how much urine usually. It would be difficult for scientists to isolate the correct variable. Peeing after sex may help flush out UTI-causing bacteria, but will not prevent you from getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Pee after sex to remove bacteria from the urethra. affect the body in a different way. Your body can absorb the bacteria through small tears in your mucous membranes. Peeing will not affect this absorption process. The only way to reduce your risk of sexually transmitted infections is every time you engage in sexual activity and are checked regularly. If you don't need to urinate but you know you should, you may find that it helps: It's not the end of the world if you can't urinate after sex. It's just an easy way to help prevent infections. For too long at any time — after sex or otherwise — it can increase your risk of an IU. If you regularly develop UTIs, make an appointment with your doctor or other healthcare provider. They may prescribe antibiotics or other preventive medicines. Peeing after sex can help reduce the risk of infections. Pair this with proper hydration and regular bath breaks and your risk can lower even more. Last medical review on May 6, 2019Read this following
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Is it normal to need to pee after masturbating? | Xtra Magazine
Why do I usually have to urinate after sex? - Quora
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